I hope that this note finds you fabulously well and happily pursuing your dreams.  🙂

Since my last entry I’ve had a whirlwind journey in my life. In the two years since our debut, I had a few giant possibilities come my way for FIRST HAND WOMAN but they vanished into the ether.

However, after many ups and downs, I’ve been thinking a lot about some advice that amazing acting coach Richard Pinter at the Neighborhood Playhouse NYC told to us eager students:

He said that the name of the game is perseverance. He said that what we were embarking on was a life-long career. Not something that would suddenly “work”. There is that crazy myth of the “overnight success”. He said, occasionally that happens, but for 99% of people in the world, the key to your career is perseverance. Especially when times are tough.

That piece of advice has stayed in my mind, and I’m reminded of that especially now. It is tough when you have a wonderful run, amazing audiences, beautiful press and serious momentum only to get passed over time and again. So, with FIRST HAND WOMAN I’ve had plenty of “no’s”, but I am aiming for perseverance (this one’s for you Mr. Pinter).


Photo: Jeremy Chan. “Keep Shining” video shoot.

So, lately, I’ve been turning my eyes onto the filmmaking side of life. I’m letting FIRST HAND WOMAN fly in its holding pattern. When it’s ready, I’ll still be here. Don’t get me wrong though. After nearly working myself into the dust for our Montreal and Toronto debuts, it’s been extremely tough facing soooo many no’s. But this is the beast of life sometimes. I know I have many more dates with this play down the road.

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Sarah Michelle Brown with cast member Vilde Bentzen
Photo: Jeremy Chan. “Keep Shining” video shoot.

In the meantime, I’ve been quite active behind the camera during this time. Yay! I have some documentaries that are in the throws of production and I also directed a couple of music videos and short films with more to come.

So what I often tell myself is persevere persevere persevere. And when you’re finished with that, persevere some more.


Photo: Jeremy Chan. “Keep Shining” video shoot.

In the meantime, here is a music video called “Keep Shining” that I directed for award-winning hip hop artist Shad. It’s about encouraging women and girls to express themselves. Hmm, sound familiar? Lol. Yes, this is right in my wheel house. You can check it out below:

Now here’s where you come in. What no’s have you had to face? How did you handle them? Did they stop you, drive you, intimidate you, encourage you? Leave your comments below and let me know how you have handled the no’s in your life.

And as always,

Dream up,

Sarah Michelle Brown

Sarah Michelle Brown
FIRST HAND WOMAN Actor, Playwright + Producer