by Sarah Michelle Brown | May 22, 2013 | Behind-the-Scenes, Facing Fears, First Hand Woman, NYC, Sarah Michelle Brown
Do your hopes and dreams bring you fear? As I put my producing hat back on for First Hand Woman’s NYC debut, I have been reminded daily about one thing: FEAR. Yep, big, honking, fear. You know what I’m talking about. Not a monster in the closet, not the...
by Sarah Michelle Brown | Feb 25, 2013 | Behind-the-Scenes, Facing Fears, First Hand Woman, NYC
NYC, here we come! I recently found out that my stage play First Hand Woman will be heading to the NYC International Fringe Festival this coming August. This will mark our U.S. debut! I can’t tell you how excited I am. This is a crazy-great opportunity. The two...
by Sarah Michelle Brown | Mar 15, 2011 | Creativity, Facing Fears, First Hand Woman, Inspiration, Sarah Michelle Brown
Every good journey needs a variety of things. First of all, you’ve got to start with an AWESOME heroine/hero… Now, let’s say that awesome person is YOU! In order to begin what in creative terms is deemed as a “good story”, you need to start off with a few simple...
by Sarah Michelle Brown | Jan 4, 2010 | Facing Fears, First Hand Woman, Inspiration, Sarah Michelle Brown
I hope you’re roaring and ready to go for this brand new year! This New Year’s Eve, I created this thing that I call a “Dream Tree” in my den. It has silvery branches, small white xmas lights and “dreams” hanging from the branches. I invited people to...
by Sarah Michelle Brown | Jan 7, 2009 | Behind-the-Scenes, First Hand Woman, Inspiration, Sarah Michelle Brown
Opening night… OMG! The excitement and nerves are simply through the roof. I think the entire FIRST HAND WOMAN team is buzzing now that opening night is finally upon us. I’m soooo proud of everyone. It really was a magical rehearsal process. Soooo wonderful to...