About two years ago, I was feeling frustrated at all the rejection letters piling up around me in my efforts of getting funding for my play First Hand Woman. I had dreams of bringing the show to New York City, but looking at my bank account, I had no clue of how I could possibly make that happen.

One day I decided to do a google image search for “Off-Broadway theatres”, and on the first page appeared a picture that made me stop breathing.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. I had chills galore. I had found where I wanted First Hand Woman to go: Cherry Lane Theatre. I downloaded the picture, put it on my computer’s desktop, stuck it on my vision board, slapped it on my phone. I felt like, this is our home.

I had absolutely noooo idea how I would possibly make this happen, but I allowed myself to dream it.

When I found out that First Hand Woman had gotten into the New York International fringe festival, I remember feeling like I was one step closer to my dream.

sarah michelle brown -at-Cherry-LaneSo dear friends, here is a picture of the outside of the theater with our old posters photoshopped on it. Yep, I love to nerd out with technology and dreams. Lol.

I mean, I do realize that just because I get chills about the possibility of us going up there, just because I know how to photoshop and dream, that it doesn’t mean that we will actually go up there.

But just having the possibility of it happening? That’s more than enough.

Dreaming, hoping, envisioning… It’s helped to make our journey to NYC feel more real. Will we go up at Cherry Lane Theatre? Time will tell. But either way, we are going to The Big Apple.   🙂

Now here is where you take action. I want you to grab a piece of paper and write down your top 3 dreams. There is no such thing as too big or too small. No such thing as foolish, impossible or unrealistic. Write them down. You can do it.

Now, in the comments below, I want to hear from you. What do you think about having dreams for yourself? Do you think it’s crucial? A time waster? Dangerous? Too woo-woo? Mandatory? … Is it good to dream big?

I’m SO excited to see what you come up with for this one!

And as always…

Dream up,

Sarah Michelle Brown